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Salcura Topida Intimate Hygene

Fragrance Salcura Topida Intimate Hygene


Salcura Topida Intimate Hygiene Spray is specifically formulated to soothe, calm and cool by creating a healthy microbial balance. This quick-acting solution balances pH levels and essential nutrients to help maintain skin cells and mucosa in a healthy condition.Directions:- Apply at least 3-4 times a day initially onto the affected areas.- If the area is sore then simply spray on and allow the liquid to absorb on its own accord.- Reduce this application frequency as the inflammation and symptoms subside.- When skin has returned to relative normality, continue using the products to top up the areas prone to infection with Topida's pH balancing formula 2-3 times per week. This should keep infections and irritation under control.- For external and internal use.Star Ingredient: Garlic Oil- Fights infection.- Helps to eliminate fungal growth.Ingredients:Water, Vitamin & Mineral Solution, Tea Tree Oil, Australian Sandalwood Oil, Manuka Oil, Swamp Paperbark Tea Tree Oil, Australian Citrus Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Olive Oil, Marigold Oil, Lavender Oil, Thyme Oil, Garlic Oil, Fennel Oil, Peppermint Oil, Vegetable Glycerine, Zeolite

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