Notes: grapefruit essence, champagne accord, cherry lollipop accord, violet leaves absolute, orris absolute, orris butter, leather accord, vetyver accord, musk, tonka beans absolute. The first time he sees her, it's a party, and he senses something special in the air. He looks for the source of exuberance, and he is rewarded with only a fleeting glimpse of a woman in a minidress and sky-high stilettos, but she leaves in her wake an array of glorious contradictions: soft and cool, delicate and earthy. She is a star and he's dazzled. He sees her again, at another party. It's a benefit this time, an event marked by luxury and compassion. She passes his table with its iris centerpiece, and like the precious iris she evokes elegance and grace. She illuminates the room, and he wants to follow the light. And he does, to a cavernous club, where the uptown girl has become a downtown diva. In leather jacket and ballerinas, in the sweet madness of the moment, she is an urban fairy, waving a bottle of champagne like a magic wand. She can dance on tables and sing on subway platforms and draw everyone into her bewitching aura. For one brief spell-binding moment, their eyes meet, and now he is completely enchanted. He finds her again, at an exhibition in a gallery. Surrounded by art, artists, art connoisseurs, she points to a painting: an iris bouquet, a bowl of cherries, a bottle of champagne, illustrations encompassed in a leather frame, and in her presence a still life Bendelirious becomes real life. She gestures, she speaks, she is at work. But the passion of her voice and the faces of those around her tell him he is also at a party. When he moves closer, he realises that a fragrance too can be art - and unforgettable. Like the smile she gives him now. And days later, with the memory of that smile and that scent still in his mind, he gets into a taxi and catches his breath. She was there. 'Where to?' the driver asks. 'To her,' he replies. The driver understands, and takes him to the destination of his last passenger. It's a party, of course, but this time he sees children, a clown, a birthday cake, pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and musical chairs.With the light of recognition in her eyes and a cherry lollipop in her hand, she invites him to join the celebration. Tonight, he will take her to a restaurant, and when the headwaiter asks 'party of two?' he can reply in complete confidence, 'yes.' Because now he knows that wherever she is, wherever she goes, it's a party.